We all know how yoga is a great workout and meditation technique, but did you know that it can also help you achieve a healthy and strong hair? Since yoga helps in maintaining the harmony between our body and soul, it also improves blood circulation throughout the body and promotes healthy hair, thus preventing hair fall.
1. Anuloma Viloma
This pose gets your lungs working which improves its function overall and eases tension and depression that often leads to hair fall. Here are the steps to do this.
· Sit with your eyes closed in the Padmasana pose and rest your hands on your knees.
· With your right thumb, close your right nostril and inhale as much oxygen as you can through the left nostril.
· Remove your thumb from the right nostril and exhale.
· Use your middle finger to close your left nostril while you exhale and then inhale with your right nostril and exhale.
2. Kapalbhati Pranayam
This pose improves blood circulation in the whole body which helps give more lusters to the face, reduces stress from the eyes, and helps with hair growth. To do this pose, here are the steps to follow:
· Sit with your spine straight, eyes closed in Padmasana.
· Now inhale deeply with both the nostrils and fill your lungs with air completely.
· Now exhale through both the nostrils forcefully such that you feel the pressure in your stomach.
· Repeat this for 5 minutes.
3. Surya Namaskar
Because of the active process of inhalation and exhalation in this pose, the lungs get ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated which is already a cardiovascular workout in itself. And that always affect the growth of hair. Here’s how your do this pose.
4. Sirsasana
This is great for increasing your focus, relieving stress and increasing blood flow to the head and scalp which helps with hair growth and strengthening.
· Sit with your knees on the floor and hips resting on the heels.
· Bend forward and keep your forearm on the floor, interlock the fingers of both hands.
· Press the back of the head against the inside of the interlocked fingers and place the top of the head on the floor.
· Raise the knees of the floor while firmly placing the toes on the floor and lifting the heels.
· Inhale and hold the position for as long as you can and slowly exhale and get back to the original position.
5. Utthanasana
Doing this pose help lessen all anxiety and tension in the body which when prolonged can cause hair fall for most people.
· Stand straight with your feet together.
· Take a deep breath and extend your arms high up as you slowly exhale, bend forward and try to touch the floor or toe with your palms.
· Stay in the same position and count till five and breathe normally.
· Slowly straighten while inhaling deeply.
· If you are not able to do so, then you can fold your hands, buckle each elbow with the opposite hand.
6. Balayam Yoga
This simple movement not only helps with hair growth but it also improves dandruff and premature greying of your hair.
· Curl your fingers inward and rub the nails vigorously.
· Rubbing the nails continuously for 5 to 7 minutes.
Our body is meant to move. Take that away from your body and you’ll feel how every function seems to be declining. You get tired easily, you gain weight, you always have back pain, and you shed more hair and more. This is why daily physical activity is important to your overall health. Even moderate and quick ones, like 30-minute walk each day and doing these yoga poses helps. But once you hair condition has gotten out of hand, it’s best to seek hair specialists who know how to address your hair concerns accordingly.
LUXE Scalp Specialists address the root of your hair problem to provide the most suitable solution. Their treatments maintain and restore hair follicles and stimulate healthier hair growth! Aside from that, their treatments are also great when you’re suffering from hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair. So that, your glorious and thick locks, will be restored.