Frizzy and dry hair is the bane of many women’s existence. In fact, many women would think twice about stepping outside when they’re having a literally bad hair day! The things is that, despite numerous products to our arsenal to achieve soft hair, sometimes those products can work against us especially when combined with regular hair-drying, pollution or over exposure to the sun. This is because some hair products contain ingredients that not good for the hair in the long run or are not suitable for your hair type.
If you want to revive your hair from this condition, there are natural ways to do so. This way you won’t have to depend on expensive salon treatments just to give life back onto your tresses.
Egg And Yogurt Mask
Eggs can be a great source of protein for your hair while soothing yogurt can help reverse hair damage caused by product build up and air pollution.
Coconut Milk, Avocado And Jojoba Oil Hair Mask
There’s no question about the wonders of coconut oil. It is one of those few foods classified as a “super food” because it is packed with nutrients which are good for the body in general, including our hair. Fatty acids found in coconut oil are rich in protein so when applied directly to your strands it helps protect it from breakage. Avocado on the other hand is also rich in fatty acids while jojoba oil promotes hair growth. So when these three are combined and applied to the hair, it doesn’t only help soften the hair but also gives shine to your mane and boost hair growth.
Milk And Honey
Use a half to a full cup of milk (at room temperature) and add either one or 2 big tablespoons of honey. Allow it about an hour to work and then rinse it off using my regular shampoo. This wonderful pack won’t weigh your hair down or make it greasy but give it wonderful shine and softness instead.
Papaya Mask
Mix together 1 skinned papaya with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt. Let it sit for 45 minutes before you rinse it out. This mixture is not only great for moisturizing your hair, but it can also help you in controlling dandruff as well as strengthening your roots which both results to less hair fall and boost in hair growth.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey And Almond Oil
Apple cider vinegar acts as a great conditioner. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of almond oil and one tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Rub this mix all over your tresses gently focusing on the dry, damaged bit and ends. Leave it on for at least half an hour and then rinse off.
All these natural remedies have been proven effective in helping restore softness in your hair. But if you’ve tried them all and nothing is making a substantial difference, maybe your condition is too severe and needs professional help! Try LUXE hair treatment in Singapore! LUXE Scalp Specialists address the root of your hair problem to provide the most suitable solution. Their treatments maintain and restore hair follicles and stimulate healthier hair growth! Aside from that, their treatments are also great when you’re suffering from hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair. So that, your glorious and thick locks, will be restored.