Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Natural Ingredients That You Can Use To Make Your Hair Softer

Frizzy and dry hair is the bane of many women’s existence. In fact, many women would think twice about stepping outside when they’re having a literally bad hair day! The things is that, despite numerous products to our arsenal to achieve soft hair, sometimes those products can work against us especially when combined with regular hair-drying, pollution or over exposure to the sun. This is because some hair products contain ingredients that not good for the hair in the long run or are not suitable for your hair type.

If you want to revive your hair from this condition, there are natural ways to do so. This way you won’t have to depend on expensive salon treatments just to give life back onto your tresses.

Egg And Yogurt Mask
Eggs can be a great source of protein for your hair while soothing yogurt can help reverse hair damage caused by product build up and air pollution.

Coconut Milk, Avocado And Jojoba Oil Hair Mask
There’s no question about the wonders of coconut oil. It is one of those few foods classified as a “super food” because it is packed with nutrients which are good for the body in general, including our hair. Fatty acids found in coconut oil are rich in protein so when applied directly to your strands it helps protect it from breakage.  Avocado on the other hand is also rich in fatty acids while jojoba oil promotes hair growth. So when these three are combined and applied to the hair, it doesn’t only help soften the hair but also gives shine to your mane and boost hair growth.

Milk And Honey
Use a half to a full cup of milk (at room temperature) and add either one or 2 big tablespoons of honey. Allow it about an hour to work and then rinse it off using my regular shampoo. This wonderful pack won’t weigh your hair down or make it greasy but give it wonderful shine and softness instead.

Papaya Mask
Mix together 1 skinned papaya with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt. Let it sit for 45 minutes before you rinse it out. This mixture is not only great for moisturizing your hair, but it can also help you in controlling dandruff as well as strengthening your roots which both results to less hair fall and boost in hair growth.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey And Almond Oil
Apple cider vinegar acts as a great conditioner. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of almond oil and one tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Rub this mix all over your tresses gently focusing on the dry, damaged bit and ends. Leave it on for at least half an hour and then rinse off.

All these natural remedies have been proven effective in helping restore softness in your hair. But if you’ve tried them all and nothing is making a substantial difference, maybe your condition is too severe and needs professional help! Try LUXE hair treatment in Singapore! LUXE Scalp Specialists address the root of your hair problem to provide the most suitable solution. Their treatments maintain and restore hair follicles and stimulate healthier hair growth! Aside from that, their treatments are also great when you’re suffering from hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair.  So that, your glorious and thick locks, will be restored.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

6 Benefits Of Jojoba Oil Which You Probably Didn’t Know

You probably know by now that ayurvedic oils are great for nourishing and maintaining healthy skin and hair. Jojoba oil, for that matter, is one of the popular oils that are often used for hair care. Jojoba oil being the closest in construction to the human sebum is a natural replacement for it. When the body is unable to produce enough sebum to protect against harsh external elements, jojoba oil can be the perfect skincare solution.

1.      Retains Moisture
Jojoba oil helps moisturize the skin, without clogging the pores, allowing for a healthy skin type. Aside from that, it also fights off bacteria build up in your pores which tends to develop into blackheads and acne.

2.      For Soft Lips
Instead of buying lip balms and chap sticks, why not use jojoba oil to moisturize your lips? It’s a natural way to keep your lips from being dry and from cracking.

3.      A Natural Sunscreen
It has always been drilled to us that we must splatter sun screen all over our body if we want to prevent the damaging effects of sun light. However, did you know that chemical sunscreens that have the potential to greatly increase skin cancer risk and reduce Vitamin D production in the name of avoiding skin cancer, and increase our risk of more widespread diseases related to Vitamin D deficiency? A good natural alternative for that would be jojoba oil.

4.      Treats Skin Burns
There are times that despite your efforts to prevent getting burned while enjoying the beach, it still happens. When that happens, you wouldn’t want to apply lotion or any other chemical cream for that since your skin is already sensitive from the burn. But Jojoba soothes any burnt skin by going deeper into the tissues and healing them. It can even reduce skin burn that often happens after shaving.

5.      Good For Your Hair
Jojoba oil helps strengthen hair follicles on the scalp causing hair to grow stronger and healthier. The presence of Vitamin E & B conditions the hair shaft making the hair shinier, adding volume and density. The stronger hair shaft prevents hair breakage due to drying wet hair every day. Head massages with jojoba oil help to also condition the scalp which removes scalp dryness. Thus avoiding dandruff and itching.

In case, this still doesn’t work then you may need a more comprehensive treatment for your hair troubles.

LUXE Scalp Specialists may help you with your hair concerns. Their treatments restore balance within your scalp and boost hair growth in a natural way.  They offer different treatments that suits different hair and scalp condition using modernized Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs formulation using the principle of Chinese herbs to provide potent nutrition and energy to our hair. These hair and scalp treatments, not only rejuvenate and restore severely damaged hair, but treat hair issues and restore your hair’s healthy condition. Try a hair and scalp treatment at LUXE because they can help you address hair and scalp issues accordingly. You’ll need them when you’re suffering from hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair.  So that, your glorious and thick locks, will be restored.

6.      Great Makeup Remover
Makeup is great, but we gotta admit that removing it after a long day can be pain especially since most makeup remover in the market stings which is especially true around the eye area. Since giving up makeup would be completely unrealistic, why not look for a makeup remover that is just as effective minus the burning effect that often comes with chemical ones? Jojoba oil is a great alternative! Even the most stubborn eye makeup glides right off with this.

Isn’t amazing how much jojoba oil can do for you? Sometimes, all you really need is take a moment to assess the hair and skin issues you’re dealing with and think that maybe you have to reconsider what you apply to them. With that said, start looking for an alternative. It may not be jojoba oil for you but you’d be surprise that there are a lot of natural ingredients that can actually replace all your chemical ones. And when you find a natural alternative that works for you, stick to it! Your skin and hair will thank you for it.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Natural Ways To Thicken Your Hair

Craving thick, voluminous hair is a struggle that’s all too real for so many women. There’s just something very sexy about having a full hair. However, achieving a head full of hair can be challenging when you’re dealing with hair issues that make your mane thin and limp.

The good news is that just a little bit of nourishment and a little bit of care can make them all glossy and thick like you've always wanted them to be. There are so many natural remedies to stimulate hair growth and increase the volume of your hair.

Protein deficiency is one of the biggest contributing factors why people suffer from hair thinning. This is the reason why incorporating eggs into your diet is advised when you’re dealing with hair thinning or hair loss. But aside from that, you can also use eggs directly to your hair as a mask to thicken your hair.

Just whisk two eggs together. Apply this onto your hair and leave it for about half an hour or until it dries. Rinse as usual. This mixture not only helps make your strands thicker but can also soften and make your hair smooth.

Coconut Oil
We already know that coconut oil is a wonder worker! It is one of those few foods classified as a “super food” because it is packed with nutrients which are good for the body in general, including our hair. Fatty acids found in coconut oil are rich in protein so when applied directly to your strands it helps protect it from breakage.  To use coconut oil for getting thicker hair naturally, massage a bit of warm coconut oil into the scalp and hair and cover it with a hot towel for 10 to 15 minutes. This will ensure that the oil stays heated while penetrating the hair shaft.

Olive Oil
Olive oil is another popular oil that most people use for hair care. It’s popular not only because it can be easily bought but also because it’s very effective. Massaging the oil into your scalp will also improve blood flow throughout the area, so hair follicles are stimulated to grow thicker strands of hair. To use olive oil, simply apply the oil to your hair and massage it over your scalp. Leave it on for thirty minutes and then rinse with a light shampoo.

Castor Oil
Castor oil has high amounts of Vitamin E and fatty acids which promote hair growth, and due to its high viscosity, it coats the hair thoroughly. Apply castor oil on your hair just as you would apply coconut oil for best results.

Fake It With Hairstyle
Even if you have a naturally thin hair, there are hairstyles that give off an impression that your locks are thicker than they actually are. You can do the major side part but if you usually do a particular side, try switching to the other one. You’ll notice volume immediately because your hair is not used to that side so it’s kind of fighting it that’s why it balloons a little bit.  Teasing your roots is also one most used trick to give more volume. These hairstyles may be temporary solutions but it’ll help you achieve the thicker hair look while you work on making your strands really thicker.  

Luxe Scalp Specialist
LUXE Scalp Specialists may help you with your hair concerns. They’re treatments restore balance within your scalp and boost hair growth in a natural way.  They offer different treatments that suits different hair and scalp condition using modernized Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs formulation using the principle of Chinese herbs to provide potent nutrition and energy to our hair. These hair and scalp treatments, not only rejuvenate and restore severely damaged hair, but treat hair issues and restore your hair’s healthy condition.

Try a hair and scalp treatment at LUXE because they can help you address hair and scalp issues accordingly. You’ll need them when you’re suffering from hair problems like hair loss, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair.  So that, your glorious and thick locks, will be restored.

9 Tips And Tricks To Help You Grow Your Hair Faster

Short hair cuts may be trendy nowadays but once you miss having long hair, the waiting game when trying to grow it out can be frustrati...